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Anthony Wright

Fallen, 2016

Fallen (embrace), 2016 steel, maple 51/2 x 271/2 x 6 inches

My work is a response to the forms I see in nature and architecture. This piece in particular was conceived from observing fallen trees around the Piermont and Sparkill, New York area. During one of my many walks as an artist in residence at the Art Students League of New York Residency at Vytlacil, I saw several instances where two trees had fallen together. A tree may not always fall quickly. The first tree on its way down embraces another. The two fall together in an almost sweet and tender relationship to each other.

The sculpture, Fallen (embrace), 2016 was created from spalted maple and steel. The steel is finished in a black patina which is then lacquered. The wood is sealed with cyanoacrylate. Both the wood and steel are waxed with an archival wax recommended by fine art conservators.

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